
Nur, weil Du zu bequem bist, danach zu suchen, Mate …


Über ein besonderes „Fundstück“ unter folgendem Beitrag von @pj_au_


> If “Asexual” people are real, why hasn’t there been any actual records and studies on it before the creation of “the internet?” <



Es gibt solche Leute, die glauben, Bescheid zu wissen und darum das Recht zu haben, Aussagen, die Menschen über sich selbst treffen, in Frage stellen zu dürfen.

Dabei offenbaren sie allerdings recht schnell zwei Dinge:

1) Dass sie tatsächlich gar nicht so viel Ahnung haben, wie sie vorgeben.

2) Dass es ihnen weder um Fakten noch darum geht, irgendwem zu helfen, sondern darum, Recht zu behalten. Und darum, dass das, was sie bisher geglaubt haben, auch weiterhin die einzige Wahrheit bleibt und neue Informationen nicht daran rütteln.


Just because you never heard about something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

There have been mentions of asexual and aromantic people since people started to study human sexuality. People used different terms back then but if we look at the descriptions, it’s pretty obvious that those were mentions of asexual and/or aromantic people.

The term „asexual“ meaning a sexual orientation goes back to Carl Schlegel and the year 1907.

One of the earliest mentions of people who weren’t interested in sexual interaction was in „Doctor Teller’s Pocket Companion, or Marriage Guide“ by J. Teller, back in 1855.

In 1897, Emma Trosse called herself „asensual“ which was her term for asexual and wrote about lesbianism and asexuality.

Magnus Hirschfeld mentioned asexual people, as did Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing, Carl Schlegel, Károly Maria Kertbeny and many others in the late 19th and early 20th century.

We are the „Group X“ in Alfred Kinsey’s „Sexual Behavior in the Human Male“ and „Sexual Behavior in the Human Female“ (1948 and 1953).

Asexuality was part of the sexual orientation model by Michael D. Storms in his article „Theories of sexual orientations“ from 1980.

In 1994, a British study by A. Johnson, J. Wadsworth, K. Wellings and J. Field about „Sexual attitudes and lifestyles“ found that ca. 1 % of the participants were asexual, a find that was further investigated by Anthony Bogaert in „Asexuality: Prevalence and Associated Factors in a National Probability Sample“, published in 2004.

There has been plenty of literature mentioning asexuals and aromantic people decades before the internet was a thing. And many of these texts are archived which means if someone really wanted to educate themselves about this topic it’s not hard to find the information.


Es gibt da einen Podcast, der sich mit der Geschichte beschäftigt hat:


Geschichte der Ace-Community (Ep. 23-25)

Teil 1 (Anfänge bis 1950er)

Teil 2 (1960er bis 1990er)

Teil 3 (2000er bis heute)


Geschichte der Aro-Community (Ep. 33)

Episode 33


Außerdem schwirren da draußen so einige Leute rum, die über queere Geschichte aufklären, beispielsweise Hestiacos.


Asexual History:

Teil 1: Were the virgin goddesses ace and/or aro?

Teil 2: Early research and famous ace figures

Teil 3: Marilyn Monroe’s Asexuality

Teil 4: The ace manifesto and more

Teil 5: Ace Pride and how we got here


Aromantic History:

Teil 1: The Golden Orchid Society and more

Teil 2: Pride and community


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